Bypass operations without cracking the breastbone (sternum)
In coronary bypass surgeries that are usually performed with open technique, the operation process has become more comfortable for patients with the introduction of robotic surgery in cardiac surgery in recent years. The biggest advantage of bypass surgery with the Da Vinci robot is that healing is very fast because a very small incision is made during the operation. Prof. Dr. İhsan Bakır, Robotic Heart Surgery Specialist from Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, explained the importance of robotic surgery in the surgical treatment of vascular occlusion.
In robotic surgery, an endoscopic camera is sent into the rib cage through several small incisions and the surgeon performs the surgery by directing the robotic arms on the console with the perfect view coming to the console. Even the smallest detail can be seen since the image is enlarged 20 times. Robotic arms can do
more than human hands can. It is possible to make a rotation movement of approximately 540 degrees with the robot arms.
First of all, the patient’s psychological recovery is faster since the physical recovery is fast. After open surgery in which the breastbone is opened, the patient is both adversely affected aesthetically and remembers this surgery continuously throughout his/her life, which negatively affects their psychology. Other advantages of robotic surgery include less blood loss, less pain, and shorter ICU and hospital stay thanks to a small incision. Patients can return to normal life in 5 to 10 days. In fact, they can go home by themselves after the surgery.
We prohibit the patient from driving for at least one month after an open surgery. Because the breastbone that is opened and closed in this major surgery should not be damaged by any impact. However, if the person undergoing coronary bypass surgery with robotic surgery feels well, they can drive after ten days and return to their routine physical activities. Of course, robotic surgery can not be performed on every patient. For example, if the patient has a very diffuse coronary artery disease in bypass, robotic surgery is not advantageous. The first criterion in patient selection is obtaining the same quality results as open surgery in robotic surgery. Cases where 4 to 5 vessels need to be intervened at the same time, people with lung disease history and adhesions in the cavity where the lung is located, and those with pericarditis are not suitable for robotic surgery.